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Dr. Antje Hartmann

Publications (Peer reviewed)

First or last author:

  1. MRI perfusion analysis using freeware, standard imaging software. Hartmann A, Scholz VB, Lautenschläger IE. Revision submitted to journal. BMC Vet Research 2020; 16 (141).
  2. Comparison of 1, 2 and 3mm slice thickness in computed tomography and the influence on the assessment of medial coronoid disease in dogs. Zweifel RT, Kramer M, Hartmann A, von Pückler KH. Accepted for publication. VCOT 2020; 33(01): 45-50
  3. Association between improvement of clinical signs and decrease of ventricular volume after ventriculoperitoneal shunting in dogs with internal hydrocephalus. Schmidt MJ, Hartmann A, Farke D, Failing K, Kolecka M. J Vet Internal Medicine 2019; 33(3): 1368-1375. 
  4. Quantitative analysis of perfusion parameters of the brain in dogs suffering from idiopathic epilepsy using dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI. Antje Hartmann, Clea von Klopmann, Ines E. Lautenschläger, Volkher B. Scholz, Martin. J. Schmidt. Am J  Vet Research 2018; 79(4): 433-442.
  5. Diffusion weighted imaging of brains in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. Antje Hartmann, Steffen Sager, Klaus Failing, Marion Sparenberg, Martin. J. Schmidt. BMC Vet Research 2017; 13:338.
  6. Leitfaden zur Interpretation von Lungenzeichnungen beim Kleintier – Teil 1. Antje Hartmann. Kleintierpraxis 2017; 62 (10): 608-626.
  7. Leitfaden zur Interpretation von Lungenzeichnungen beim Kleintier – Teil 2 . Antje Hartmann. Kleintierpraxis 2017; 62 (9):554-566.
  8. Dynamic susceptibility contrast Perfusion Magnetic resonance imaging Demonstrates reduced Periventricular cerebral Blood Flow in Dogs with Ventriculomegaly. Martin J. Schmidt, Malgorzata Kolecka, Robert Kirberger, Antje Hartmann. Front Vet Sci 2017; 4:137.
  9. Quantitative analysis of brain perfusion in healthy dogs by means of magnetic resonance imaging. Antje Hartmann, Agnes Driesen, Ines E. Lautenschläger, Volkher B. Scholz, Martin. J. Schmidt. Am J  Vet Research 2016; 77(11): 1227-1235.
  10. Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the normal canine brain. Antje Hartmann, Charlotte Söffler, Klaus Failing, Andreas Schaubmar, Martin Kramer, Martin. J. Schmidt. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2014; 55(6): 592-598.
  11. Inter- und Intraobserver-Variabilität bei der sonographischen Bestimmung der Darmwanddicke von Hunden ohne gastrointestinale Erkrankungen (Assessment of the inter- and intraobserver variability for sonographical measurement of intestinal wall thickness in dogs without gastrointestinal diseases). Charlotte. S. Günther, Ines. E. Lautenschläger, Volkher B. Scholz, Kerstin Amort, Martin Kramer, Antje Hartmann. Tierärztliche Praxis Kleintiere 2014; 42(2):71-78.
  12. Ultraschallgestütze Diagnose eines Insulinoms bei einer Katze (Ultrasound aided diagnosis of an insulinoma in a cat). Sebastin Schaub, Antje Wigger. Tierärztliche Praxis Kleintiere 2013; 41(5):338-342.
  13. Magnetic resonance imaging findings of the lumbosacral junction in clinically sound German shepherd dogs in comparison to other breeds. Kerstin H. Amort, Nele Ondreka, Heike Rudorf, Kathrin F. Stock, Ottmar Distl, Bernd Tellhelm, Martin Kramer, Antje Wigger. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2012; 53(3): 289-295.
  14. Ultraschall von Magen, Darm und ausgewählten abdominalen Lymphknoten. Antje Wigger, Martin Kramer (Ultrasonographic examination of the gastrointestinal tract and selected abdominal lymphnodes). Der praktische Tierarzt 2009, 90(7): 624-636.
  15. Ultraschall von Leber und Gallenblase (Ultrasound of liver and gallbladder). Antje Wigger, Christine Peppler, Martin Kramer. Der praktische Tierarzt 2009, 90(6): 526 – 533.
  16. Lumbosakraler Übergangswirbel beim Deutschen Schäferhund: Häufigkeit, Formen, Genetik und Korrelation zur Hüftgelenksdysplasie (Lumbosacral transitional vertebrae in the German shepherd dog: prevalence, classification, genetics, and association with canine hip dysplasia). Antje Wigger, Christian Julier-Franz, Bernd Tellhelm, Martin Kramer. Tierärztliche Praxis Kleintiere 2009; 37(1): 7-13.
  17. Physikalische Grundlagen des Ultraschalls (Physis of ultrasound). Antje Wigger, Martin Kramer. Der praktische Tierarzt 2008, 89(12): 1006-1010.
  18. Influence of femoral head and neck conformation on hip dysplasia in the German Shepherd Dog. Antje Wigger, Bernd Tellhelm, Martin Kramer, Heike Rudorf. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2008; 49(3): 243-248.
  19. Ultrasonographic appearance of intestinal roundworms in a dog and a cat. Antje Wigger, Christine Peppler, Martin Kramer. The Veterinary record 2007; 161(6):200-201.

Second or other author:

  1. Epidurale Pannikulitis bei einer elf Monate alten Old English Bulldog. Lautersack J, Rademacher P, Hartmann A, Pfleghaar S. Kleintierpraxis 2020; 65 (2): 76-83.
  2. Comparison of Contrast-Enhanced Multidetector Computed Tomography Angiography and conventional Angiography for the Evaluation of Portosystemic-Shunt Occlusion after Cellophane banding. Sebastian Schaub, Antje Hartmann, Tobias Schwarz, Karsten Kemper, Kerstin Amort, Martin Kramer, Matthias Schneider.   BMC Vet Research 2016; 12:283.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging features of esthesioneuroblastoma in three dogs and one cat. Charlotte Söffler, Antje Hartmann, Daniela Gorgas, Eberhard Ludewig, Kerstin von Pückler, Martin Kramer, Martin J. Schmidt. Tierärztliche Praxis Kleintiere 2016; 44; 333-340.
  4. Vertebral osteomyelitis and septic arthritis associated with Staphylococcus hyicus in a juvenile peregrine falcone (Falco peregrinus). Kristina Maier, Dominik Fischer, Antje Hartmann, Olivia Kershaw, Ellen Prenger-Berninghoff, Helen Pendl, Martin J. Schmidt, Michael Lierz. J Avian Medicine and Surgery. 2015; 29(3): 216-223.

  5. Focal bacterial meningitis following ascending bite wound infection leading to paraparesis in a captive California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). B. Lang, U. Eskens, A. Hartmann, V. Braun, M.J. Schmidt, G. von Hegel. J of Zoo- and Wildlife Medicine. 2015; 46(1); 135-140.
  6. Diagnose und Therapie eines Granuloms an der Thoraxwand infolge eines perforierenden gastralen Fremdkörpers. Fallbericht und Übersicht über die Literatur von perforierenden hölzernen Fremdkörpern im Magen-Darm-Trakt. Steffen Sager, Antje Hartmann, Martin Kramer. Kleintierpraxis. 2015; 60(1): 5-11.

  7. Herdförmige Meningitis bei einem Kalifornischen Seelöwen (Zalophus californianus) – Diagnostik und pathologische Befunde. V. Braun, U. Eskens, A. Hartmann, B. Lang, M. Kramer, M. J. Schmidt. Tierärztl Praxis Großtiere 2014; 42(6):368-372.

  8. Evaluation for fracture healing in small animals with diagnostic imaging techniques. Deniz Seyrek-Intas, Nureddin Celimli, Kerstin Amort, Nele Ondreka, Antje Hartman, Martin Kramer. Türkiye Klinikleri Veteriner Bilimleri. 2014, 5(2):97-108.
  9. Comparison between computed tomography and 99mTc-Pertechnetate scintigraphy characteristics of the thyroid gland in cats with hyperthyroidism. Ines Lautenschläger, Antje Hartmann, Julia Sicken, Sabrina Moors, Volkher B. Scholz, Retro Neiger, Martin Kramer. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2013; 54(6):666-673.
  10. Ultrasonographic evaluation of canine supraspinatus calcifying teninosis. Maria Ligia A. Mistieri, Antje Wigger, Julio C. Canalo, Joao G.P. Filho, Martin Kramer. JAAHA 2012; 48:405-410.
  11. Computertomographische Untersuchung des Schädels von Katzen mit kraniofazialem Trauma im Hinblick auf Maxilla- und Orbitafrakturen (Computed tomography in cats with craniofacial trauma with regard to maxil- lary and orbital fractures). N. Wunderlin, Kerstin Amort, Antje Wigger, Stephan Klumpp, Miriam Biel, G. Eichner, Martin Kramer. Tierärztliche Praxis Kleintiere  2012; 40(5): 341-349.
  12. Effect of observer on diagnostic accuracy of low field MRI for detecting canine meniscal tears. Peter Böttcher, Laura Armbrust, Laurent Blond, Andreas Brühschwein, Patrick R. Gavin, Ingrid Gielen, Silke Hecht, Konrad Jurina, Sibylle Kneissl, Martin Konar, Esteban Pujol, Andrew Robinson, Susan L. Schaefer, Lars F. H. Theyse, Antje Wigger, Eberhard Ludewig. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2012; 53(6): 628-635.
  13. Auswerterabhängige Variabilität und Sensitivität der Röntgenverdachtsdiagnose Koronoiderkrankung (Observer variability and sensitivity of radiographic diagnosis of canine medial coronoid disease). Friederike. C. Rau; Antje Wigger; Bernd Tellhelm; Michael Zwick; Stephan Klumpp; Andrea Neumann; Britta Oltersdorf; Kerstin Amort; Klaus Failing; Martin Kramer. Tierärztliche Praxis Kleintiere 2011; 39(5): 313- 322.
  14. Traumatischer Gehörgansabriss bei einer Katze (Traumatic avulsion of the external ear canal). Katharina Mildner-Müller, Cetina Thiel, Antje Wigger, Martin Kramer. Kleintierpraxis 2010; 55(2), 78-84.
  15. Das infiltrative Lipom beim Hund – Eine retrospektive Studie von fünf Fällen (Infiltrative lipoma in the dog: A retrospective study of five cases). Michael Brückner, Antje Wigger, Christine Peppler, Martin Kramer, Cetina Thiel. Tierärztliche Praxis Kleintiere 2009; 37(5):305-313.
  16. Neuroanatomy of the calf brain as revealed by high-resolution magnetic, resonance imaging. Martin J. Schmidt, Ullrich Pilatus, Antje Wigger, Martin Kramer, Helmut A. Ölschläger. Journal of morphology 2009; 270(6): 745-758.
  17. Überblick über verschiedene bildgebende Verfahren zur Diagnose der Diskospondylitis beim Hund (Discospondylitis in the dog – an overview of diagnostic imaging modalities). Nadja Wunderlin, Antje Wigger, Martin Schmidt, Stephan Klumpp, Martin Kramer. Kleintierpraxis 2008; 53(9), 539–546.
  18. Fallbericht eines atypischen Pectus excavatum bei einem Beagle Welpen (Atypical pectus excavatum in a Beagle puppy: A case report). Cetina Thiel, Antje Wigger, Andreas Fischer, Martin Kramer. Tierärztliche Praxis Kleintiere 2008; 36(6): 421-426.
  19. Dandy walker malformation in a Golden Retriever puppy. Martin Schmidt, Sebastian Jawinski, Antje Wigger, Martin Kramer. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2008; 49(3): 264-266.
  20. Ultrasonographical appearance of the craniocervical junction in normal brachycephalic dogs and dogs with caudal occipital (chiari-like) malformation. Martin Schmidt, Antje Wigger, Sebastian Jawinski, Tanja Golla, Martin Kramer. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2008; 49(5): 472 – 476.
  21. Darminvagination bei der Katze – eine retrospektive Studie. Gibt es prädisponierende Faktoren? (Intussusception in the cat – a retrospective study. Are there predisposing factors?) Cetina Thiel, Antje Wigger, Martin Kramer. Tierärztliche Praxis Kleintiere 2008; 36(5): 357-362.
  22. Hüftgelenksdysplasie (HD) – Entstehung, Erkennung, Bekämpfung (Hip dysplasia: development, diagnosis, control). Bernd Tellhelm, Ottmar Distl, Antje Wigger. Kleintierpraxis 2008, 53(4): 246-258.
  23. Volvulus des Colon beim Hund: ein seltenes Erkrankungsbild (Colonic torsion in the dog). Anne Bittig, Charlotte Günther, Tinka Holste, Antje Wigger, Martin Kramer. Kleintierpraxis 2007; 52(8): 495-499.
  24. Sonographie des Pankreas bei Hund und Katze (Ultrasound of the pancreas in dogs and cats). Christine Peppler, Antje Wigger, Martin Kramer. Der prakt. Tierarzt 2006,  87(11): 864 – 868.
Book Chapters
  1. Hartmann A. Chapter: Lunge and Chapter: Lungengefäße. In: Röntgen Hund und Katze: Thorax und Abdomen: Röntgenbilder sicher befunden. Hrsg. von Pückler. Thieme. December 2018; Thieme, ISBN: 978-3132425385.
  2. Bildgebende Verfahren. In: Chirurgie der Weichteile. Hrsg. Bonath/Kramer 2013, UTB, ISBN: 9783825285210
  3. Bildgebung. In: MRT-Atlas – ZNS-Befunde bei Hund und Katze. Hrsg. Schmidt/ Kramer MVS Medizinverlag.
Research Abstracts:
  1. Comparison of computed tomographic (CT) appearance of pulmonary involvement in localized and systemic histiocytic sarcoma in dogs. Wennemuth J, Gedon J, Hartmann A, Kessler M. ESVONC Annual Congress in Hofheim, Germany 2019.
  2. Diffusion weighted MRI of the brain of dogs suffering from idiopathic epilepsy in comparison to normal dogs. Antje Hartmann, Steffen Sager, Klaus Failing, Andreas Schaubmar, Martin Kramer, Martin. J. Schmidt. EVDI Annual Meeting in Wroclaw, Poland 2016.
  3. Comparison of brain perfusion in normal dogs and dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. Antje Hartmann, Agnes Driesen, Clea von klopmann, Ines Lautenschläger, Volkher Scholz, Martin Schmidt. EVDI Annual Meeting in Wroclaw, Poland 2016.
  4. Functional magnetic resonance imaging to estimate normal diffusion in the canine brain.  Antje Hartmann, Charlotte Söffler, Klaus Failing, Andreas Schaubmar, Martin Kramer, Martin. J. Schmidt. EVDI Annual Meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands 2014.
  5. Comparative measurements of the feline hyperthyroid thyroid gland in computed tomography and 99mTc- pertechnetate scintigraphy. Ines E. Lautenschlaeger, Antje Hartmann, Sabrina Mohrs, Julia Sicken, Volkher B. Scholz, Reto Neiger, Martin Kramer. EVDI Annual Meeting in Estoril, Portugal 2013.
  6. Literature Review and State of the Art in Diagnostic Imaging of Intrahepatic Shunts. Antje Hartmann, Matthias Schneider. ECVS Annual Meeting Barcelona, Spain 2012.
  7. Literature Review and State of the Art in Diagnostic Imaging of Tendon Pathologies. Antje Hartmann. ECVS Annual Meeting Barcelona, Spain 2012.
  8. Magnetic resonance imaging of early degeneration of the lumbosacral intervertebral disc in German shepherd dogs. Kerstin Amort, Stephan Klumpp, Antje Wigger, Bernd Tellhelm, Martin Kramer. EVDI Annual Meeting Giessen, Germany 2010.
  9. Literature Review and state of the art in imaging thoracic wall, pleura and mediastinum in dogs and cats. Antje Wigger. GSAVA Annual Meeting Düsseldorf, Germany 2010.
  10. Observer variability in radiograpic detection of medial coronoid process disease using arthroscopy as gold standard. Friederike C. Rau, Antje Wigger, Bernd Tellhelm, Stephan Klumpp, Michael Zwick, Kerstin Amort, Britta Oltersdorf, Martin Kramer. IVRA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2009.
  11. Special conformation of the femoral head and neck in the German shepherd dog and its influence on canine hip dysplasia. Antje Wigger, Bernd Tellhelm, Martin Kramer. EVDI Annual Meeting in Chalkidiki, Greece 2007
  12. Ultrasonography of superficial tumors. Antje Wigger. International workshop of ultrasonography, Giessen, Germany 2007.
  13. Review of Diagnostic Imaging Diskospondylitis in the Dog. Antje Wigger. GSAVA Satellite Meeting, Ravensburg, Germany 2006.
  14. Advantages and disadvantages of flat-panel volumetric computed tomography (fpvCT) compared to conventional CT in veterinary medicine. Antje Wigger, M. Schmidt, M. Obert, H. Traupe, M. Kramer. Joint Scientific Conference of the International Veterinary Radiology Association (IVRA), The American College of Veterinary Radiology (ACVR), The European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (ECVDI) and the European Association of Diagnostic Imaging (EAVDI), Vancouver, Canada 2006.
Research Grants:

Martin Kramer, Antje Hartmann. Antrag des Lands Hessen im Rahmen des Programmes “Forschungsgroßgeräte” nach Art. 91b GG: GZ: INST 162/413-1 FUGG, 3T Hochfeld Magnetresonanztomograph, Klinik für Kleintiere, Chirurgie, Justus-Liebig-Universität. € 500.000

Instructional Activity
Undergraduate Student teaching:
  • Physics in Medical Imaging (13 lectures)
  • Small Animal Respiratory Disease ( 3 radiology lectures)
  • Small Animal Orthopaedic Disease (2 radiology lectures)
  • Small Animal Medicine (Elective course; 2 radiology lectures)
  • Clinical rotation in Radiology
Postgraduate training doctoral students and residents:
  • Daily Radiology Morning Rounds
  • Daily “Hot Chair”
  • Weekly Radiology Training; varying topics (physics, radiation biology, radiation protection, differential diagnosis lists, …)
  • Weekly Journal Club and Book Reading
  • Dr. Jan Wennemuth, 2. year resident
  • Mohammad Molazem, residency finished
  • Melania Moioli, passed 2020
  • Maja Waschk, passed 2019
  • Charlotte Söffler, passed theoretical exam 2018
  • Dr. Ines Lautenschläger, passed 2018
  • Dr. Kerstin Amort, passed 2013
  • Dr. Nele Ondreka, passed 2013
Supervised doctoral thesis
  1. Prognostische Aussagekraft der Magnetresonanztomographie bei Hunden mit Bandscheibenvorfällen und ischämischer Myelopathie. Johannes Pfitzer. Work in progress.
  2. Diffusionsgewichtete Magnetresonanztomographie bei Hunden mit idiopathischer Epilepsie.  Steffen Sager. Finished 2017. 
  3. Dynamische Kontrastmittel-Perfusions-Magnetresonanztomographie des Gehirns bei Hunden mit idiopathischer Epilepsie. Clea Pottmeyer. Finished 2016.
  4. Vergleichende morphologische Untersuchung der Morgan-Linie mittels Röntgen, Computertomographie und Magnetresonanztomographie. Nannette Zahn. Finished 2016.
  5. Retrospektive computertomographische Studie zum Vergleich der Knochendichte des Processus coronoideus medialis ulnae von Hunden unterschiedlicher Rassen mit und ohne arthroskopischem Hinweis auf eine Koronoiderkrankung. Britta Oltersdorf. Finished 2016.
  6. Dynamische Kontrastmittel-Perfusions-Magnetresonanztomographie des Gehirns beim gesunden, mesocephalen Hund. Agnes Driesen. Finished 2015.
  7. Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie zur Bestimmung der Diffusion im Gehirn bei gesunden mesopcephalen Hunden. Charlotte Söffler. Finished 2014.
  8. Vergleich von CT-Angiographie mit der Portographie zur Beurteilung des Restshunts nach Verschluss eines portosystemischen Lebershunts beim Hund. Sebastian Schaub. Finished 2014.
Continuing Education (CE) Lectures:

Annual Meeting (DVG Tagung) Berlin, Germany 2018

  • Radiology of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diagnostic imaging of tumors in the appendicular skeleton.

5th International Symposium of Veterinary Surgery (ISVS) and 13th Iranian Symposium of Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesia and Diagnostic Imaging (ISVSAD) Tehran, Iran 2017

  • Diagnostic Imaging in small animal portosystemic shunt
  • Sonographic examination of the abdomen

GSAVA Annual Meeting Berlin, Germany 2016

  • MRI made easy

Imaging Days, Ekaterinburg, Russia July 2014:

  • Interpretation of thoracic radiographs – lung, heart & vessels
  • Interpretation of abdominal radiographs
  • Portography
  • Review of MRI & CT
  • Sonographic examination of the abdomen
  • Contrast enhanced ultrasound

Case Reading (X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT); intensive training of image interpretation, Viernheim Germany (4 modules à 4 hours, ongoing CE course)

  • Lung, heart and major vessels, Abdomen, Head, Spine

Leipziger Tierärztetag, Leipzig, Germany January 2014:

  • In case of emergency – Diagnostic Imaging in small animals with spinal disease.

GSAVA Annual Meeting Düsseldorf, Germany 2012:

  • Skeletal diseases in the first year of life
  • Imaging options ins cystic calculi
  • Imaging of ectopic ureters

Oberhessische Gesellschaft, Giessen, Germany June 2012

  • Advances in Diagnostic Imaging: Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging of the canine brain.

GSAVA Satellite Meeting, Ahlen, Germany April 2012

  • The lame dog: Imaging of stifle, shoulder an d elbow diseases
  • Advanced Imaging in orthopaedic diseases

BpT Annual Meeting Mainz, Germany September 2011

  • Interpretation of thoracic radiographs

Workshop on neurosurgery, Giessen, Germany April 2009

  • The value of myelography in the diagnosis of spinal diseases.
  • Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in spinal diseases.

Association for the study of internal fixation (AO Foundation), Giessen, Germany February 2009

  • Radiographic evaluation of fractures and fracture healing

GSAVA Annual meeting, Düsseldorf, Germany November 2008

  • Radiographic and ultrasonographic examination of the stifle joint
  • Diagnosis of spinal anomalies in puppies.

GSAVA Annual meeting, Berlin, Germany 2007

  • Interpretation abdominal radiographs in cases of trauma

Multiple Ultrasound, Radiography, CT and MRI courses on varying topics

Multiple courses on Radiation Protection according to the X-Ray Ordinance  

German Small Animal Association (GSAVA)


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