Termine: Mo-Fr: 8-18 Uhr.
Notfälle jederzeit.
Telefon: Mo 8 Uhr - Fr 19 Uhr.
06192 - 290 290

30.5.-1.6.2013: ESVONC Lissabon

Martin Kessler: "The role of chemotherapy in the management of soft tissue sarcoma."

30. 5. -1. 6. 2013

Jahreskongress der European Society of Veterinary Oncology (ESVONC), Lissabon, Portugal


Workshop: “Surgical Margins in Sarcoma: is it quality not quantity”

Martin Kessler: "The role of chemotherapy in the management of soft tissue sarcomas – where is the current level of evidence?"


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